I take my responsibility to you very seriously. Here is my pledge to you. It governs the relationship I have with all wealth management clients.

- I will always act as a fiduciary in my dealings with you. This means I will disclose any conflict of interest and will resolve any conflict in your favor. I will always place your interest first. I will seek to avoid conflicts and potential conflicts.
- My recommendations will always have a reasonable basis and will always be in your best interest.
- Written or oral statements from me to you will be straightforward and forthright. Never misleading.
- I will give you a written statement of total fees and underlying investment expenses you are incurring. I will not accept payments from any third party resulting from my recommendations.
- I will not accept gifts or entertainment that are not minimal and not occasional, nor will I accept third-party payments, benefits, or indirect payments that don’t benefit you or that could be perceived to impair my objectivity.
- I will provide you with an investment policy statement that will set forth objectives, risk and performance.
- I will be cognizant of fees and costs you incur in order to determine that they are reasonable.